Friday 4 May 2012

Sunny Day Skin Care

The Sunny Day Skin Care Guide

When Summer arrives at last there’s nothing you want to do more than relax in the sun, either at the beach or in a park. But spending half of the year wrapped in warm clothes and shivering makes you forget just how dangerous the sun is. Skin care is incredible important for you and your family and becomes a greater issue every year with ever-increasing cases of skin cancer and heat stroke.
The only way you can truly keep out of danger is to stay inside with the air conditioner on and wait until night falls. But who wants to keep up a vampire lifestyle in exchange for no risk from the sun? The sun provides many benefits, infusing our skin with essential vitamins and giving us an opportunity to run outside and work off the Winter fat stores. It’s all about being smart in the sun. Know how to look after yourself outside with this sunny day skin care guide:

  • Suntan lotion is your number one accessory during the Summer months. Slather it on about fifteen minutes before heading out into the sun and re-apply every two to four hours. If you’re going swimming then it’s especially important to re-apply once you’re out of the water. You should even come out of the water regularly in order to apply suntan lotion. Many moisturisers and other skin care products offer a certain level of UV protection. This is fine for everyday use around town and whilst working but on weekends make sure you go for the heavy duty stuff.
  • Finding shade to rest under when out in the sun will keep your exposure to the direct sunlight at a minimum whilst still being able to enjoy the weather. If you’re out at a park or at the beach make sure you bring an umbrella or there are trees or other forms of shade nearby that you can escape to when you’re not swimming or playing.
  • Wear a hat at all times. It’s very difficult to apply suntan lotion to the skin on the top of your head as your hair is in the way. But don’t let that fool you into thinking that the sun can’t find it. The skin on your head is extremely sensitive. If you’ve ever been sunburnt on the top of your head you’ll know exactly how much it hurts.
  • Going shirtless when you’re outside puts you at huge risk of painful sunburn. This risk is multiplied for children so make sure they’re covered up when they’re out in the sun.
  • If you’ve been sunburnt you are going to want to look after your burn. Depending on how severe, your skin may simply fade back into it’s normal hue or it may peel away to reveal a new layer of skin entirely. Lotions and creams can soothe your burns but they should never be used as a substitute for suntan lotion and shade. Of course, there is no way to guarantee that you won’t be burnt, the sun can be very powerful. If you are burnt just make sure nobody goes slapping you on the shoulder.
Spending time outside is a healthy activity and one of the best natural mood-enhancers there is, so you don’t want to go regretting your time in the sun by damaging your skin. Being stuck inside when the weather’s fine with the air conditioner on full can only make you so happy.

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