Saturday 19 May 2012

Breakfast Ideas For Baby

Experts agree that breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day...
and, as your baby begins to rely more on solid foods and less on milk to meet his needs (generally towards the end of his first year), then breakfast is the perfect opportunity to fill him up with some really nutritious foods! We've always found that our children have eaten breakfast much more readily than other meals - maybe because they have gone for a longer period without eating than at other times of the day!
It's a good idea - if possible - for the whole family to eat breakfast together. This establishes a healthy eating pattern for your baby to follow. And, of course, babies are much happier to eat with everyone else, than alone!
The ideal baby breakfast will be nutritious and balanced and some of the suggestions on our list of breakfast ideas for baby include more than one food type - wholewheat toast with yogurt, for example, which provides fibre, vitamins, minerals and calcium all in one meal!
And don't be afraid to look beyond traditional breakfast ideas for baby...
This list includes a few items which may not be considered "typical" breakfast foods - but if they're healthy and your baby likes them, then why not give them a try? What we consider to be "breakfast food" depends largely on our culture and upbringing - and, when it comes to food, we all know that stepping outide your cultural "boundaries" can be fun!

NOTE: The ideas suggested here may not be suitable for all ages, as some may require your baby to be at the "self-feeding" stage. Please see our finger foods page for more information about allowing your child to safely feed himself. Remember - if any of these foods are new to your baby, then introduce them separately, following the four day rule. This will help you prevent and identify potential food allergies and digestive problems. ALWAYS discuss the introduction of any new foods with your child's doctor.

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