• Top 5 Ways to Exfoliate Your Skin Naturally

    Ask any fashion diva or drop-dead 365Gorgeous woman and she will tell you that the best way to keep your skin soft and radiantly beautiful is to exfoliate it regularly. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to do this. Your kitchen will yield so many natural products that you will find yourself [...]

    The Best Natural Beauty Tips Ever!

    If you want to look beautiful – the natural way then here the top tips and tricks of the trade. Balanced, healthy diet and plenty of water helps to keep you fresh, active and beautiful. Believe it or not, food plays an important role in the way our skin and hair look. Diet that is [...]

    Delicious Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

    Fruits and vegetables are important, as essential building blocks of any diet. Without fruits and vegetables no diet in the world could be counted as complete. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals. It has all the essential nutrition which you need for a healthy body, perfect looking skin, healthy hair and much [...]

    How to Get Rid of Cracked Heels!

    It’s definitely true that cracked heels look really bad especially when you take off your highly expensive heels, maybe on the beach or somewhere else. The cracked heels are not only unsightly but they are also dangerous. They can get infected and sometimes start bleeding. So if you are suffering from cracked heels, it’s time [...]

    The Basic 3 Techniques for Natural Skin Care

    Skin care is a whole new world. The basic 3 techniques for skin care are as following. 1. Proper Cleansing Simplicity is the best. You can use any good cleanser to cleanse your skin. There is no need to buy any extraordinary cleanser to wash your face. There is need to avoid bar soaps as [...]

    The Pertinent Homemade Beauty Tips For Face

    Instead of spending a bombarding amount of cash at parlors and salons, there are some pertinent homemade beauty tips for face that can be tried at home. All these beauty tips can be applied for getting excellent and effective results at home: •    For skin exfoliation, use corn meal •    Stop scrubbing your face too [...]

    Some Outstanding Beauty Tips For Face

    - Take one tablespoon of un-boiled milk and dip cotton in the milk. Rub this cotton in circular movements all over your face and after 15 minutes, wash it with cold water. - With a thick slice of unpeeled cucumber, rub it in circular motion all over the neck and facial areas. Subsequently, wash after 15 minutes. [...]

    Get Fair By Using Some Natural Beauty Tips

    With the sun being your worst enemy in giving you a tan complexion, you can definitely rely on these natural beauty tips to reveal a fair skin out of yourself: • You can make a natural skin mask for yourself by mixing 1 tablespoon of milk powder, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon [...]


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